📄️ Overview
The Casperaki high-level API provides a set of APIs to generate vibes (which are 15-second audio clips) and songs.
📄️ Starting a recording session
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📄️ Creating a vibe
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📄️ Turning a vibe into a song
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📄️ Adding a stem to a song
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📄️ Replacing a stem in a song
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📄️ Deleting a stem from a song
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📄️ Adding a melody to a song
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📄️ Adding lyrics to a song
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📄️ Rendering a song without vocals
TO COME: I guess our "turn vibe into song" endpoint should do just that - turn the vibe into a song inside the recording session but without rendering it.
📄️ Rendering a song with vocals
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📄️ Rendering stems for a song
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📄️ Creating a vocal sheet
Full API reference
📄️ Creating a lyric video
Once you have a song with vocals, you can create a lyrics video that animates a user's picture. This requires two steps: uploading a profile picture and generating the lyric video.